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11 March 2024, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic


The U.S. Department of Commerce convened RISE II on 11 March 2024 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, with the support of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and in partnership with the Americas Business Dialogue Health Working Group and the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (REDLAD).

Read the consensus statement:    English    Spanish    Portuguese
See the Agenda

Consensus Statement: A consensus statement was memorialized to identify, catalyze, and accelerate multisectoral collaborations that can help bring about the resilient health ecosystems and economies that the Americas deserve, including trade and investment, regulatory improvements, sustainable health systems, ethics, and digital health.


Participants: The collective perspectives of 13 governments, 38 private sector entities, 7 civil society organizations and academia (174 participants) were incorporated in the consensus statement. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) also participated in RISE II.


Pillar Workstreams:



Project: Accelerating Innovative Financial Health Solutions
Pillar Lead: Dominican Republic
Project Lead: Americas Business Dialogue 



Project: Develop a RISE Network for Regulatory Capacity Building 
Pillar Lead: Panama
Project Lead: U.S. Food and Drug Administration



Project: Capacity Building for Procurement Officials in the Americas + Strengthening Healthcare Systems through Value-Based Procurement (VBP) 
Pillar Lead: Uruguay
Project Lead: Americas Business Dialogue 



Project: Increasing National Consensus Framework Agreements for Ethical Collaboration
Additional Project: Incentivizing Enterprise Integrity in Public Procurement
Pillar Lead: United States 
Project Lead: U.S. Department of Commerce 



Project: RISE Digital Health Nomenclature Forum and Handbook
Pillar Lead: Uruguay 
Project Lead: Americas Business Dialogue


Participation: Participation in RISE is open to representatives from countries invited to the Summit of the Americas. Given the cross-cutting nature of bolstering resiliency in the hemisphere’s health economies and ecosystems, we invite participation at the ministerial or vice-ministerial level from official agencies of social concerns (including health, welfare, science, and gender) commerce, finance, investment, trade, foreign affairs, and others as deemed appropriate. Members of the Joint Summit Working Group such as OAS, PAHO, and IDB are also invited. Given the key role of private sector and civil society to achieving RISE objectives, their participation is welcome and organized through the Americas Business Dialogue (ABD) and Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (REDLAD).

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